Thursday, December 29, 2011

24 Hours Of Traveling

Headed to the airport 6:00pm tuesday night, flew to ecuador, peru and then Santiago Chile arrived into the house at about 9:00 pm the next day clst time which is 2 hours ahead of eastern. That adds up to over 24 hours of traveling, really wasn't bad at all, Lan airlines is great and got to watch alot of movies and watch the Andies out my window. Flying was a breeze, the food was even good on the planes. The ride down from Santiago last night was pretty naked, lots of farms and tons of tall familiar mountains everywhere. There is the Andes and then a valley and then more smaller mountains all the way to the coast and those were the ones I was checking out. The place looked extremely familiar just like Utah as far as the mouantins. As for the towns they are bustling with really fast traffic and very unfamiliar. I saw a few mountain bikers decked out on some nice bikes so it leads be to believe there may be hope,I still don't have a bike but I am almsot positive Pucon will be where I will certainly be hitting the trail. Left my camera cord home, will be buying one today to get some pics. Hasta Luego!

Typical American........

1 comment:

  1. I love this!! Your pics are taking me back to Chile. Have fun and enjoy the food and the new friendships.

