Hoped to make it back the Snip this weekend and I made it happen! I had about 90 minutes to ride or so I thought so I stuck close to my previous route. Another perfect day here in the east, a bit warm but not humid so consider it welcomed. Pedaling by 9:45 I was hitting my first climb and damn my legs were done. I guess you could describe them as dull and dead so climbs were tough with not much relief in sight. I took a few slight different roads and trails which lead me to the decision of sticking with previous ride trail choice. I am still a newbie here and it shows, but I love exploring and building the map in my head and a little adventure so big whoopy. I made it up Bald Mountain quite slowly but I did make it so count it. I checked off a few more trails I had question marks about, I have now two more that I will check off the next visit. I don't know how I am so good at calculating ride length, no matter where I am I always reach my car withing 5 minutes of when I expected to at the the beginning of the ride. This one I got there 90.50 minutes so not bad ehhhh. Really great ride despite heartless legs. I got home and LuAnn had already took off with the boy for a run so what's and addict to do, get his chores done such as wash a car and mow the tall grass patches and go ride again. I put down a 40 minute ride at Hale and got home before my lady so win win double feature! So 11 miles and 2.10 hours of riding instead of 7 miles and 90 minutes. Saturday was the bomb! bring it on Monday morning I am ready for ya.
2nd rip at n. snip at EveryTrailEveryTrail - Find the
best Hiking in Connecticut
Hale quicko at EveryTrailEveryTrail - Find the
best Hiking in Connecticut
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