Thursday, June 26, 2014
Shoreline Homecoming
Well I was kicked off the bike for awhile so LuAnn could finish up her preparation for her dental admission test. It was a mellow week since I had to be very low key and make things smooth sailing for my wife. I still annoyed her and tried to get a ride in so I had to try. The test went as planned on Monday and we were set to look at homes on Tuesday so we all met in SLC and were done by 6:15. I headed over to the zoo looking down on the east bench from the highway and a lot of memories started rolling thru my head. It was nice to see all the trees and that not much had changed, was kind of sucky for a second cause I wish so bad we could afford to live in those neighborhoods but we just can't. Onwards I made it to the zoo, was pretty pumped as I usually am to ride right. The first climb burned my lungs, I have had this feeling before maybe 1-2 other times, it really sucked, felt like a hair dryer was put down my throat and lungs just felt awful. It did not help that my legs have got realy weak from lack or riding this spring/summer. I really hope to get back in shape cause the spot I am in right now is not great compared to a little while ago. I carried on and was loving the scenery, its a very wide trail for most the ride and filled with plenty of people until you get to ry creek. The views of the city just get better as you go along, I got pretty excited as I rolled by the University of Utah thinking LuAnn would be going there if all goes well. I was feeling better but mostly cause it's a real easy pedal until dry creek. Soon I was at the begining of what has always been a tough ride up to Bobsled. It's absolutely fantastic to be experiencing all the smells and sights I remember so well, I have rode up this trail more than any other. I kept waiting for hoards of poeple to be blowing by my on the bike but luckily I had no heat behind me so I just chugged up, it was not pretty but soon I was up Olympic Hill and realized my timing was way off and I had to cut it short and drop down Bobsled. Bobsled was incredible as it always is, there is nothing lie the first run down it every year, luckily this time there will be no shortage of it like the last 4 years. Had a solid run down that felt great and then made my way to the car. With the sun going down it was glorious, I wish I had more time to do more but I was already going to be getting home around 10pm.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Fathers day Sunday hike
I decided to start a father and son tradition, every year I will do all I can to do a hike or camp as father and son every year until I can't walk no more. So this Sunday we went on a good one with Bentley. I finally got to put the Deuter Kid Comfort 2 to the test and it performed flawless. I chose Slate Canyon to Slide Canyon and never been there but it was close and started on the valley floor. It began a gravel road that just got more and more steep as we went. I questioned my sanity with an extra 30 pounds on my back but it was a nice evening and we had not much to do and I wanted the exercise I have been looking for since I can't take it out on the bike. After 90 minutes we lost cell signal and started to get into more dense high elevation vegetation. Still following a road until a trail junction we forked and climbed up a steep saddle. By now we were in alpine forests and incredible spring scenery. Reaching the top of the saddle I was anxious to send out a message or call to my wife but I was still without signal. We finally began descending and I was glad since the body was taking a toll. Landon Fell asleep a few times and despite that I talked to him from time to time and he was content otherwise. I got signal and sent the word to my wife all was well as we headed down mountain. Had spectacular view of the valley floor and Utah Lake. We hit the top of the Y and found people enjoying the hike up as we were going down. Bentley was desperate for water so we shared a water fountain at the trailhead. My phone was dead by then so the strava gps track ended unfortunately. Hit the car and was anxious to get home, was a fantastic hike and look forward to another 40+ years of them with my son.

Corner Canyon Saturday
Finally got to meet up with my good friend Brent for a ride Saturday morning. With schedule issues I had to ride at 6am so we met and got straight to business. If we had more time I would have loved to travel to a different spot but corner canyon always works. We had a plan for two laps of greatness and found my legs sore from the beginning, he was hot on my tail, he ride clip less now and I wonder if it's time for me. A cold front hit and offered a cool morning which was so nice, got to the top and rode rush down, such a fun trail. Lots of places to catch air and pretty good flow with berms. Rode a new section called rush trees and then found the new trail rattler and climbed up a good bit and then ran out of time and we shot down to the car. Another great ride, I wanted to ride more but duty calls.

Sundance Friday
Got to ride, things have been nuts around here between home searching and settling in general at my in laws but I managed to sneak a ride out despite challenges. It has been weeks off the bike and its still so difficult to get on the bike but I have no choice but to deal with it. I rolled up to Sundance ski resort since it was fairly close and would offer some higher elevation and clean air. I did not know it cost 5 bucks to ride but I was there and the 5 bucks does offer well maintained trails. It was a tough climb on the gravel road up to the first trail. I found out quickly that there were a lot of tourists and locals using the chairlift to access the trails, I was the only on that day eating my vert which I would have no other way. Lots of very courteous bikers moved over to the side for me as I was on the uphill right of way. The switchbacks and climbing was gentle and offered spectacular views of the Wasatch. Felt good to be up in the alpine with those smells that are all familiar to me. I was following a trail map which I absolutely can't stand cause they are never easy to follow. Found myself back tracking to take the DH trails. It was a good time making my way to Experts which was a pretty nutty trail, very steep and needed more bike only found myself off the bike once in a clean ditch. Trails form there were a ripping good time, plenty loose, I can't stand the ardents on this bike they are terrible in all conditions with this bike. All that aside I was at the base and climbed back up for some more. This time having a better idea of the trails I made a clean loop and found myself miss one trail but I pretty much covered the joint, not a bad ride at all after two hours. Gimme MOOOOORREEEEE!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Through the storm
Been a heavy couple of weeks with the preparation for the move to Utah. Well the good news is we are all in state now and searching for a place to live while we stay with my in laws. Utah is great, still expanding and still finding new areas that popped up in the last year. The weather is ridiculous, so sunny and so dry I love it, no sign of rain yet. I drove into town Saturday night after 36 hours of driving in less than two days, it was a solid accomplishment but me and the dogs arrives safely to be with my family. I planned to get out on the bike and dust off the Tanuki since it was already here and other bikes are in transit. It was awkward and definitely needs some love, tires, grips, fork service, and tune up which all sucks but when it had to work it did when I hit dirt in corner canyon. I never like the vibe the parking lot has got, theres a ton of bikers and it lacks that secluded feeling NE riding brings. None the less I was in bliss as I rode up the mountains. My legs quickly began to burn since I was on geared bike and I was sitting down, my butt hurt too from all that sitting. I rode a big loop, Using the shoreline trail, Anns, Eagle Crest, Jacobs ladder which is a fun ripping raw descent. The wheels washed out plenty on me and the bike felt awful but I think I can get it better with some purchases. Back was absolutely killing me as well and neck, probably cause of the spectacular views. I love riding Corner Canyon, tons of trail and such a great day on the bike for my homecoming!

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