Monday, August 25, 2014
The Big Mountain Ride
been hearing some buzz about this new trail Snowbird built, a lot of controversy surrounds it, but any trail going up from the base to summit is something I want to explore! I headed out for a morning ride when I found the time with all this settling in business. The Isuzu I am borrowing form my father in law decided to just about over heat as I got to the top of the canyon on a cool morning. We really need to find a 2nd car. It was dark when I got up there so I was armed with my headlamp and got cracking. I found the trail pretty easy due to research and was in for a surprises. Lots of deer were found in my headlamp, then I caught some larger eyes, a mama moose and calf. This makes for a very uncomfortable encounter, they were a distance off but I cut the trail so I could not make mama nervous, moose kill more than bears etc... The climb was pretty uneventful really, pretty fresh still from being cut. But offered this nice alpine forestry. I made it up to my old lift I use to bump chairs at, Mid Gad Lift. I had some good times that winter, very fond memories of that job. Knowing the terrain extremely well was tough cause I knew exactly what was ahead of me. The climb did get very tough as the ride progressed, one tough switchback after the other! By then I was looking very forward to the summit and after a lot of grunt and some walking I found myself at the top with a spectacular view of the Mountains around. It was one heck of a ride up and was looking forward to getting down. As soon as I started ripping I was hard on the brakes, the trail was so choppy and I was getting beaten to death the entire ride down. My hands and wrists were hard to release by the bottom. I was juts happy to have it over with and found the DH not enjoyable at al but that was entirely my fault. Slid ride, keep trying for more, backpacking this weekend I can't wait.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014
The Monday ride
Well I am happy to say the crazy process of buying a house is all done! We are officially moved into Sandy and stoked out of our minds! I always pictured living in this area with great access to corner canyon trails and little and big cottonwoods canyons. Its a very strange sensation the last few days but it has been incredible and I am so fortunate! Well we moved in Friday and you can imagine things were nuts for a few days so I had no problem waiting until Monday for a morning ride. I set off on a nice short 10 minute ride to the corner canyon trails! By far the biggest and best network offered in the Salt Lake Valley. I am sure they will get old over the years but it's still the best place to ride for distance wise. I hit the trailhead at 6am and was surprised how much light we keep losing, I was really surprised to find 10-15 cars already in the lot. Luckily I never really found anyone on the trails and still felt like they were all mine. I climbed up Clarks, then over to anns, up to maple hollow trailhead and over to Eagle crest which made quite the stunning view into Utah Valley. Then down Rush and landed awkward and just knew that was going to cause a flat, and sure enough few minutes later it went flat. Quick change since I tore a sidewall weeks ago I am no longer tubeless in the rear. Back on my way I rode a bit more and over to Rattler trail and to shoreline and it was delightful. What a treat this rid was, felt really weird going home so close nearby but I look forward to it feeling more natural. Still waiting to get two more bikes in the garage from in laws and another place, but our entire crew will finally be here soon. Pics of the garage to come soon, I friggen love the garage feels real good having my own space.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Monday Morning
I wanted to ride and had to use the early morning as usual to get it done, it was a ride up the new route and instead of Taj Majal I rode a trail called Machu Pichu and it kind of sucked. More like a hiking trail than a bike trail but I rode it. I planned on replicating Saturdays ride but I was feeling lazy so I rode the River trail down to the Race Course loop and rode up and then back down to the car, actually ended up being a sweet loop. We close tomorrow on the house and I can't wait, this is such a huge event for our family, I am so happy and grateful to finally set down the roots!
Saturday Provo Canyon
Well I got out on another perfect Saturday morning for a ride, It was another sunrise ride and I had a little different loop in mind. I started in a new location that I scalped from a fellow Strava user, It was a bit of a tough climb up to the towers but it was a beautiful one at that. I never get to pumped up for the climb up to the rocks from the aqueduct road but I always tackle it anyway. I hit Taj Majal pretty soon after passing the rocks and I was relieved. It wasa pretty rough trail, quick ups and still plenty of climbing along the base of the mountain. I was pretty stoked when it finally started heading downhill. It was a solid romp that put my brakes to test, they got so heated they turned colors, I have not needed 180mm rotors until this ride. I crossed the road and then hunted for the shoreline trail. I found it and found it a nice grade and a nice climb up at a good rate. I thought I might be low on leg but I had plenty left to give. The rest of the ride was straight forward lots of fun and a short fun DH to the road and then the car.

Saturday, August 9, 2014
Fifth Water Ridge
So a couple weeks ago I was making my way up the Fifth water trail when I had to turn around due to time constraints, well I was fortunate enough to have my mother in law watch my boy so dad could go out into the mountains and get some riding. Like every ride to the Diamond Fork trail head, I enjoy every bit of the drive to get there, you just have to experience the ride through the mountains and you would fall in love too. Well I got to the trailhead and was armed with the fs 26" since I was feeling like having it for a loose rough descent. I regret taking it since right at the begining it was snapping and popping and just telling me all the things it should when it needs a new drivetrain. Cranking up I felt pretty good, there were a few families to pass that were on their way to the hot springs. I found the cows about an hour into the ride up by the gate where they should not have been. Not my problem but I am sure the wanna be cowboys knew they were there. A herd crossed the trail 20 ft in front of me, I noticed a solo car straggling behind and he was eye balling me, I continued to ride and he began to start to charge me and once he closed in 10ft I pedaled like heck and he gave up. That go the heart going, they're big animals and I don't know them well, most are scared but sometimes you have no idea what they're thinking. I was now still on the fifth water trail making my way up what I rode for the first time a little time ago. I passed the Center trail not sure if I should have taken it, I just wanted to get up to the ridge so I stayed on the fifth water trail. It was really an incredible pedal along the upper fifth water trail, a real treat. For some reason this place comes with a bit of spooky wild feel, and none of that helped when I came across bear tracks. I have never seen any in my time in Utah, have in Wyoming but not Utah. I kept cranking but kept an eye and ear out. It took some work but with views like this on the trail it was a delight climbing to the ridge. The trail lead to a dirt road which took me to an outstanding view of the Uintas and Strawberry Reservoir. I quickly began a descent and found the center trail which had more uphills than I expected since I was hoping for a straight drop. This ate up a lot of time but I had no choice, soon I was finally on the downhill and it was a solid fun ride. It was about 45 minutes of a descent by the time I reached the car and it never gets old. I love Utah it's incredible, I can't wait for more rides!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Monday Afternoon Quickie
Well I found myself driving to the trailhead at 5am monday morning, I was groggy, it was dark, it was drizzling and I arrived and just did not feel it enough to get out and ride. I headed home and went back to sleep. I awoke to a noisy toddler and got him up and ready for the day, did some errands and then put him down for his nap and I got the word I could get out a afternoon ride. I needed to be close so I went to Maple canyon to explore two more trails. I took the full suspension so I could enjoy it on the downhill, it was added weight but it worked. I had a smooth ride up to the fork and took a right and hiked a bike through a tight ravine. I rode a little but it did not let up so I headed down. On the way down I took a turn onto the Spanish Fork peak trail and boy was it rocky. Juts barely ridable with the pitch so I walked a little and rode most but soon found no end to a tougher and gouger climb and I headed down. A solid ride down to the car, I love that stuff, luckily I met no horses! After I passed the car I wanted to see where some other trails went. Put me on a power line double track for awhile and turned around and called it a day. I was impressed I had steam left in my legs after Saturday escapade but all is well. Ten more days tip we move to Sandy, preparing to close is scary but exciting!
Mega Ride
I have been putting some rides together in my mind and one thing always happens, I have trouble finding the amount of time to travel to and ride. So I threw out there Friday night I would like to have to be back around 12 so that would give me all morning. I could not believe it but I got an ok! So I have been wanting to ride the Wasatch Crest so I put together a ride had me start in unfamiliar Deer Valley Resort and ride up it and then take the Guardsman paved road to the Crest Trail. Then ride all of it and drop down the connector and take Mid mountain all the way back to Deer Valley. So I woke up at 4am in excitement and got out of the house real quick and loaded up the car and off I went on an adventure. Once I got up Provo Canyon I got a great view of the stars, it was pitch black out since it was so early. Luckily I made it all the way to Park City without finding any deer on the road,it was still very dark and I had no idea where I would start my ride. I waited a good 10 minutes and then began my search, I quickly found what I needed which was Deer Crest Trail just barely able to be found in the darkness. Deer Crest sure was a nice comfortable climb up the ski resort runs. I was awaiting meeting a moose but none were to be found. The sun was finally brightening the sky and Deer Valley opened up and I found Mid Mountain trail and then began to climb Team Big Bear. This trail climbed a little more aggressive and I took it easy since I had a long ride ahead of me but it was all very manageable. I then hit the Ruby road where I got a little confused but I found pavement and climbed up a very sucky hill but it had world class views of Timpanogos and the backside of Brighton ski resort etc. I eventually made the top and hit Scott's bypass, the trail
was incredible, I was now riding high alpine trails covered in wild flowers and damp from a light rain the night before, the conditions were as good as it has ever been! It was an absolute pleasure riding the Crest, Sadly though I did eventually have to clean it and head back into the Park City area. I rode the ridge connector which I never have and it was fun and fast and then I was on Mid mountain trail again where I would be for many miles. From there it was very straight forward. I simply took mid mountain all the way back to Deer Valley and wish I had done more research so I cold of rode a better descent but what I hit worked. I must say I had plenty of gas left in my legs and could have made this a 50mile ride, I hope soon I will get the chance. Not a bad day on the Belltown, no gears, no suspension no problems!

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