Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Worn N Torn
Very very happy to have my one steed hanging in the garage, I gave it a greasy was Sunday night and Monday had it rolling at Hawes. My legs felt very very funky, they had nothing to give, I almost bailed on the ride a few times but I just stayed in the game, was slow pace but enough to keep things going, not sure what happened, have been doing a lot of workouts lately and that might be what's going on. Got Baseball tonight and sure do hope my legs are repaired from last weeks fiasco.
Bikes A Gone
Well that's a wrap, got both my bike sold, they went off to happy owners, one in flagstaff and one shipped to California. I was happy to see them go before they depreciated and more value, can't say either one was a bad bike but they didn't hit the spot exactly. I have been thinking allot about what I want next, part of me wants another rigid SS, another a geared hard tail, and the most sense would be a 130-140mm full suspension, just can't decide though, so I am going to demo a Trek Fuel and Trek Stache hopefully soon since they are on the hitlist. I would be waiting for a 2018 model though.
Saturday San Tan Tour
Got together with a fellow neighbor of mine, never rode with him but late Friday night he wanted to ride, I was surprised when he was willing to wake at a required 5am and join me. We got cranking by 5:25 with plenty of light and we set a nice pace for a loop around the joint. It was nice to have company and was a nice morning to be out, quite warm I might add.

Gold for Friday
Friday I opted for Gold Canyon action. Its grilling up outside but still not too bad, my body has definitely adjusted to the heat. Looking to to mix it up I threw down a plan in my head and executed it, it did manage to spice things up but still I sure would love some trails in the woods right about now. Nothing fancy here, just a good spin
Friday, April 21, 2017
Thursday wonky but good
Well thats all, the Kona and YT went on the same day, pretty happy about it to tell you the truth, I got out of losing more money and now I got a fat stash in the bank to explore my opportunities should I choose. Loving the space in my garage for sure, and also loving the sight of my lone Trek Superfly that I love so greatly. It really is all I need, when it comes time for another bike I will cross that road, after a few days of pondering my options I wanted a 130-140mm full suspension, and then I thought about a hard tail, one with gears and from suspension. I decided I will wait, maybe until 2018 when the latest greatest will come out. It could all change but for now I'm very happy with my one and only bike. I headed for San Tan with wonky legs from Tuesday, to my surprise I was feeling strong, the sun was hot at 93F but my body was feeling just fine. I rode the loops feeling very strong actually, looking forward to my legs healing fully and seeing what I can do to my personal records. I enjoyed this one, mostly spent my time just being happy with my bike.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Mellow Road Ride
Sooooo Tuesday came and I went to play softball for the 2nd time, I got up to bat in the first inning and hit the ball and made the run for first base and blew out my Quads. Never have I ever felt this before, I was simply running and nearly was brought to me feet in pain. I continued to run the bases until I reached third and had to send in a runner for me. I felt like I had two dead legs from someone who punched me but it was not going away. It was painful and I tried to wait it out but ended up limping home in this strange pain. The pain went on for the next day but by the evening I tried out the road bike and pedaling looked like a good way to warm up the legs for thursday's ride. Turns out the legs were just fine, still upset but road riding didn't bother them at all, I lazily did 10 miles and then went about my night.
So the plan was to loop around Hawes, I used an access rd that goes to the towers once which made for a great loop. When I pedaled from the rd to the gate I saw ATT guy locking up the gate, I turned round and decided that was not the way to go today since there are plenty of no trespassing signs. So I headed for Usery on the other side of the rd, luckily I didn't even need to move my car and headed right past it up Pass Mountain Access. never been on that section, it was not much to miss, but a dry pedalish ride thru a wash and then firm ground up the trail junction. Then I decided to head south and enter into the network for a loop. I must say it was actually kind of a nice way of doing the loop and was something different. I was feeling something I am not normally, I wanted more of a workout, I notice it more and more and I have never really felt that way. It's likely due to the weight I lost I figure. Feeling good but only as fast as one speed could carry me on flat trail I made a nice loop to end up back to the car with the time allotted and still meet the kiddo off the bus. Big changed to come this week in my garage, the YT is going to a new owner and the Kona has some interested buyers.
Estrella Sample
So I made it to Estrella Regional Park after FINS clueless, trail forks showed some blue I could try and the loop was looking right on the money for a 30 minute spin. It began on a trail rainbow Valley. Started off choppy mooniest from horses but once they exited it got buff and windy around the mountainside. Reminded me a ton of San Tan. Trail was wide but just fine, once I transitioned Dysart it got more narrow, funny how it's so much more enjoyable on narrow single track. Then intercepted Toothaker and a quick ride to the car. Nothing crazy here but with more time I can do a lot more miles, but for now that 5 miles did just fine. Out of time and filled my cup that was the end of the week.
The critter had off school friday so that ride was a flop but saturday was game time. I decided I wanted fresh meat and had to wake early to get it. F.I.N.S. was on the table and I liked what I read about it, it's a tight location with lots of trails built by bikers. They don't even allow horses there :) Completely confused by the spaghetti network I managed to hit the goods, it started off mellow and fast and then I got to Grunt, a nice climb up and down a ridge, it was quite awesome I will say. Then from there some others, nothing really stood out much but man it was nice to get out of my element and get lost. Although trail forks did a very good job keeping me in line. Kimurels hurl was quite fun, jumps and features, childs play but welcomed. I decided I had enough of FINS and wanted to sample Estrella on the way home so I closed it off after an hour. Not likely to go back since if I am traveling an hour I'd rather go to Browns or MCdowells but it was fun.

Thursday round up
Thursday Brought me to Hawes area, the temperatures are starting to climb but somehow my sweat seems to be non evident. I don't know what kind of adjusting my body is doing but I am cool with it! Also my fitness has been very good lately, I feel very energetic and charged on the bike and it is getting better every week! This was a nice spin, can't remember too much from it now that it was a week ago but I know it was good as usual.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Goldy feelin
Corner Canyon!
Took me some time to get on here but, I did manage to squeeze a ride in Utah while I was there, lots of time was spent backpacking but so happy to have just one day! It was glorious homecoming, I found lots of dry dirt until I hit the construction zone at sincerest and then Vertigo the new DH trail which was pretty lame and back up South Maple Hollow which was new to me as well. I rolled by some new trails they are building off that one so something to look forward to for sure. Legs held up nicely as I closed out the loop, not bad with 3k vert from my normal 500-1000 vert here in the desert :)

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