Monday, January 29, 2018
Been really struggling with some ride desire, I want to ride, but I find myself less interested when I start pedaling, it's an odd thing for me really, I chalk it up to just run down on the ride locations, I guess riding so much might have taken it's toll, however riding is riding and I got to not fuss about it, enjoy it while I can, especially when others can't. With that said, this day was the normal but just no power under my legs, less than when I could last remember, hoping tomorrow will be stronger and better.

Time Crunch
Gold w new trails Long Horn and Owl Nest
I saw the new Long Horn trail some time ago and meant to put tires down on it, left it for another day. On Thursday it was time for action, I headed for Gold Canyon and into the quiet trails I went. LOVE that about this spot, always quiet, rarely see another person and that's the way I like it. I made it out to Long Horn on a fast route, the trail was powdery with horse traffic, not great conditions but it's a new trail so it needs to go thru the paces of rain and riders. It turns out to be a good little trail, short with only .5 miles. At the top I missed the next new trail Owl's Nest. I dropped down the wrong trail and then realized and went back up to find it. That trail skirted the ridge in a scenic nice way, enjoyed that thoroughly. Look forward to those trails getting worn in and adding it to the extensive network.

Kidder Ride
Round Hawes
With traffic in most directions it was down to the standard options per the normal, looking for twenty miles I opted for the loop around Hawes. Pretty good and well around the mountain, mission completed happily. Check out the green grass, felt the sun getting hotter by the day, spring is here........Ugghhhh
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Into the Monring Sun
I was anxious to ride Saturday, they are always hard days for me mentally, not sure why but I held off asking for a ride Friday night. When the wife woke 5am to study I asked if I could go out and be home early, I was massively relieved when she came in after thinking about it and gave me a go. I gathered my things speedily and off into the dark I went. I very much enjoyed the ride, it was refreshing to do it to the beat of the sun rise, thank you my lovely I needed that!

Belltown Progress
San Tan Fest
Risked a hiker fest and headed for San Tan, it was a mess but no horses so I could deal with the hikers. Lots of Excuse me, hello, good morning and thank you, but mostly pleasant folks out enjoying their day. I must say when I got down I was a little bugged at why we don't have more trails in our regional parks, they require extremely little maintenance and they are full with plenty people and we pay quite a fee. I chalk it up to how Government works but I could be wrong. But seriously more trails please!
Kid tears but OK
Decided to go back with the wife and kiddo to the preserve, kiddo took a spill and caught his finger between the bar and the ground, fingernail took a hard hit but we were all lucky it was nothing serious. I feel really bad for Landon, I went and grabbed my car and picked them up and all was ok.
Breezy Spinny
Riparian Kiddo Ride
Monday Shredda
Special Ride with Jisch
Word on the street John Isch was coming to town. A long time old riding buddy, logged many memorable CT rides with a his group and others some time ago when I use to live in CT. Not a close friend or anything but I was really excited to hear he was coming to town and wanted to ride. We were set for a Sunday ride, not a day I ever ride but this was a special occasion. After 5 years we met at my house and headed over to Gold Canyon to show him the place. It was a beautiful morning as usual and my mind and body were all good, my mind especially was in a good place on this ride for some reason. John was hot on my tail but I just rode everything at a cozy pace, I know he can ride pretty quick but I was in no hurry and I didn't want him to be either. We had a good serving of trail, very much enjoyed that morning ride. He hit a lot of the features first go around and reminded me how dialed CT riders in that group were. After we got back to my house we parted ways, he offered me a bike if I ever make it back into town and I plan on taking him up on that hopefully this year!

Saturday, January 13, 2018
Solid Night Ride
Me and my friend Ryan got together Thursday night, it was my second ride for the day and we took to the trail. Before I could power on my light it decided to not turn on. Apparently charging the battery after it's fully charged is not what it likes to do. So my new christmas gift a Cat Eye 700 sure came in handy and glad I brought it as I strapped it to the bars. I am not a fan of bar lights but with no helmet mount yet it was my only choice. I was pleased with it's performance, it's very light, much lighter than any other bar mounts I have tried, it was jostle free, solidly mounted and bright enough for the trail. It was a good spin on a cool damp night, good company too. When I got home I plugged the charger in for just a second and the battery corrected itself and lesson learned as to how to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Relaxed on that tack
The rains came Tuesday night and by Thursday the trails were still wonderfully pleasant, the extra grip and smells are always welcomed, a nice change from sweat and sun screen. A standard loop at hawes was easy on my mind so that I did. I was feeling quite mellow this morning, body was fine but I was chill, thought I was moving a lot slower than I was, turned out I was right on par.
Yummy Mcdowell
Rains are on the horizon, the skies are ominous but sunny and still plenty blue, the trails felt so good under my tires, I was very happy to be out on the bike. I had a ride plan in my head but changed it as I was going, the sights were absolutely beautiful out there, finally had my mind and body clear.

The kiddo was back to school and it was off to the trails for me. Wanting to ride but not amped on my normal spots I decided to get 20 and ride some less ridden trails. Motivation sire has been a rollercoaster but I sure always end up riding and glad I did. I went for the Hawes Mountain loop, feeling fine I noticed a lot of horse poop along the trail, felt like the Salt River Horses were around, sure enough they were. Spotted 10 or so here and there, got a pic of one. Headed now for the foothills of the other well known Pass Mountain. I found it a lot easier to get through the dreaded sandy washes. It was all peachy from there with a simple hiker filled downhill to the pavement and a road ride to the car.

Sunday, January 7, 2018
Proud Papa
Ok right, round two, the family wanted to ride when I offered, was going to try something we never done, Landon was going to pedal a mile up an easy trail to the cactus playground at usery. The trail has very slight climbing so i put his bike in an easy gear and after about 5-6 stops to check things out and push him to get to our destination we arrived! I couldn't believe it we were all impressed. We played for 20 minutes and then enjoyed the much easier ride back to the car. The kiddo was singing christmas songs the whole way, even got a nice photo of him dropping down a little wash, his expression says it all! Such a proud papa!

The day has come!
Wow, I can"t believe we are finally here, my boy is out on the trail! Now with gears and high volume tires and confidence we pedaled on South Mountain the entire family for a successful romp! Landon did fantastic, sure there was some frustration and it wasn't perfect but all in all huge success. Landon was able to pedal and enjoy being a mountain biker. Truly the beginning of happy time on the bike for us, can't wait to see where this heads I can't wait!

Round Usery
I had to go somewhere on Thursday, I was feeling like poop but had some free time and went for a spin. Very very much in need of new trail experiences.
Awaited the day for a ride, I needed it quite badly, this week has been a bit slow with no school and family time. I ran out into the evening armed with a light. Headed for South Mountain for somewhere close but slightly less ridden. An overcast evening provided no sign of the sunset for moon but it was a good spin, as I was riding I was longing for a climb, but I took the easy way around the mountain to get some miles in, kind pf regretted it but it did just fine :)
Welcome 2018
Monday, January 1, 2018
3,000 Miles of lovely dirt!!!!
I did it! I pushed hard the last few weeks but it was really quite easy, I hit my goal and set an all time riding season. I didn't ride as many new spots as I would like this year but I got to go on some great family vacations and ride Utah and some great backpacking trips! It was a very very very good year, my bike has been my solid companion and continues to be the most reliable bike I have ever had. Bring it no 2018, not sure what is in store but my goal remains, more Sedona, more Flagstaff and more days in the backcountry hiking around I hope! Let's go get'ed
Tucson Ride
Happily my In Laws came to town and off me and LuAnn went to Tucson. Had my bike in tow for a morning ride and was pretty dang excited about it! When the morning did come I started right at enough light to not need my headlamp, I was good with that. I heeded into Starr Pass area and having been there once last year it sure was going to help with the navigating. I headed for the Pass on bumpy trail that turned into awesome as I remembers as it wrapped around the back of the Mountain and headed for the Pass. It was as fun as I remembered flying down and picked up Fifth Avenue, that was a new one for me. Then the plan was to make another loop on the other end of the ride and so I did. A nice climb and some technical and beautiful scenery was quite good! Feeling fine but filled my cup and a quiet week of riding but my goal is only one ride away!

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