Decided to end the week on a high note after I found out my wife would be home at a time she normally was not, this allowed me to get into a no cell and further than normal spot known as Browns ranch. Normally its a problem since I need both of those things when Landon is in school so I am on call. I got pedaling with the idea of not glancing at the map on my phone in the mass of trails that it Browns. I did pretty good as I enjoyed a comfortable cruise on my way to the diablo. Turns out I felt pretty lazy and changed my mind and went for an easy out away from diablo and went straight the flow of Hawksnest. Then decided to do something different and ended up on a few trails I never have the best of them being axle grease which was pretty good. I went alot further than I expected and missed a few turns and found myself at the edge of the park. I had options to get back to the car and after a stint along a wash I opted for the powerline road which was 10 minutes of wide dirt road but very effective. Then some singletrack to the car and BAM finally some new meat! Off to greener pastures next week in CT now a week away and excited.

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