Ok so the plan was to cross the Bush Highway and see what offerings I could find. With the new Scorpion DH trail access to the river trails this sparked my curiousity. The trails over here aren't ridden much if ever by the locals but curiousity and adventure had me. As the ride began I quickly began to stumble across a big pack of Salt River WIld Horses, a good 20 of them or so the biggest group I have seen. The morning was cloudyish but the scene was beautiful. I cross the road after a fun run down Scorpion DH. The trail had just slight DH pitch from there and on narrow Singletrack that had another runnning next to it as I swerved horse poop and hooves it was clear the horses are VERY active down here. There were trails from them everywhere. After riding Salt River Meadow, it was onto a wider trail 100, sandy at times but plenty firm for my 2.35, hooves made the soft soil very bumpy but I was moving along fine. It was quite a different scene down there very very welcomed. I came across more horses and then onto Phon D Suttong Rd where I had the option to hit pavement or hack my way to the Mesquite loop. Pretty unkown stuff down there to me I opted for the road as the route incase Mesquite sucked. As I arrived at the river I found mesquite loop after a bit of confusion, the scene was incredible, being close to the river with views of it, smells of vegatation and Oak trees and cottonwoods was awesome! The trail was fine, easy going and more than happy! Man I was loving the scenery, place might get busy in the spring/summer/fall since the trailhead lot was HUGE. Happy with this ride so far the loop began to take me north and the horse trails brought be great confusion and sme backtracking but soon I was on what I needed and was happy to leave Mesquite Loop but eager to get back one day. From there it was nice to be on familiar flowy well loved Wild Horse and straight forward return to the car on an absolute stunning morning on the bike, I am grateful.

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