I am off to two handful of what I call magical days, this one being another one of them. With downpours all night and pools of water everywhere here in the valley I was thinking of riding but realized it would require even more ambition that I didn't really have. All geared up my wife mentioned helping here with schoolwork after I dropped my son off at school. Somewhat relieved since it was cold and wet and terrible outside I helped her for a few hours while in my mind I thought on and off about tackling a ride after she went to school. A part of me was content with no ride, however by 10:30am there I was a free man headed for Hawes. Still unsure of my decision I pedaled in and headed up the nieghborhood to buy some time off the dirt. At the top of the descent there were clouds whipping over the mountain, I could see snow just 200-300 ft above me, below me was incresingly clearing clouds, no blue sky but the rain stopped, I was comfortable and ready to ride! A good descent had me on the same loop as the day before. The weather just kept getting more dramatic and distracting me as even parts of the valley were almost getting sun. The scene was incredible, I even felt the warmth of the sun on the end of the ride and it was glorious! The conditions were even better than the day before, that place drains amazing.