Monday, May 25, 2020
Still cool out kinda
So I didn;t ride Wdnesday due to a dr apt and schedule so Thursday was the day. I did something slightly different for my 20 mile spin, it was pleasantly cool start, borderline goosebumps, once I got level and uphilling that was gone fast, definitely nice breath of fresh air. Nice 20 miles of Horsey trails :)

Sunday, May 24, 2020
Hawbitual offender
Thinking about being somewhere else
Keep it simple stupid "Rigid SS"
I got the Salsa back up rolling to mix things up and as usual it was a quick adjustmen since it's so similar to my trek. The plan today was to hit Hawes trail but from the good side. I like that trail alot, still just 1 -2 hike a bike section but those downs are so money. I filled in the blanks form there, solid stuff.

Quiet and less bugs!
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Giddy Ro
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Well that was uncomfortable
Tuesday came with a surprise. I was going about my normal hawes 20 mile business and while on High Noon I found a rattler with a little something hanging out of his mouth. I stopped in awe, the snake was pissed and I nervously walked by and took a few pics and off I went. Seeing that scene was a little uncomfortable as a many of the snakes prey run all over the trails, but to see that life lost in the hands of a nasty rattlesnake with venom left me uneasy. Was a good share for the internet that day though.

Desert Stank
Monday, May 11, 2020
Peaceful Morning
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Hehe Ebike hate
Ready for rain
It's getting pretty summer up here in the AZ and I am getting grumpy about it too, not a good enough reason to be grummpy but man I am dying for some trees and rain. The Covid is still raging but things are starting to get back to the new normal and for me not much has changed at all. Hope this summer goes quick! This ride was early and nice as always.

Thursday, May 7, 2020
That rock won round 1
Friday is here and am ready for the weekend off the bike. It seems that I could ride 7 days a week but my mind and body likes those two days off. I was connecting the dots for 20 miles and I on that awkward section for pedals on Magic Mountain I found my foot heavily clipped the rock on the right and with weight in the wrong spot I was instantly thrown to the ground. It hurt I lay face down not moving much for fear of anything badly damaged, after 5 seconds I got the bike off from the top of me and felt a good bit of burning coming from my arm. Turns out just some scrapes and cuts to my right arm and shoudler, and a brused side on my ribs. A little upset at a silly crash but I charged on as the blood dried itself and I looked forward to washing it out. I guess I got my once a year craash out of the way, seriously I never crash and so grateful to not be badly hurt.

#everyone rides Hawes now
I only eat bugs and God is great
#ilovehawes short course virtual race
Different bike different course this day. I don't know what I was thinking trying to lay down good time but the legs were in good condition and so was everything else so I went for it. I spun around the course pretty quick, I was wondering how my legs were better the next day after a 30 mile 3,000 vert the day before but I was on fire. I was on my trek now wth goo tire pressure which must have made some difference. I spun around the course pretty easily having to pull of for just a few users. When I got to the car I was 6th place overall out of 22 at the time. The end result after a few more days of people who are actualy racers I moved down the ranks at a still impressive to me 16th out of 68. I love that this was virtual, totally different than doing a real race or trying to win segments. I am not a competitive person but I think I would do this style thign again. I donated to the hawes trail alliance and look forward to my shirt and hat coming my way.

#ilovehawes long course virtual race
Monday I had big plans to do the #ilovehawes virtual race fundrasier event. The long track looked appetizing and it was a good excuse to ride some stuff a little differently and see how I stack up. The start to the race started down by the road which was an odd choice. I decided to start at NRA and then make my way down to the begining of the course for bonus miles. I was on the Salsa and thought I had decent pressure in my tires but I quickly realized it wasn't. Too lazy to top off the air I regretably pedaled on and felt the drag and uncomfort of too low air pressure. I was chugging along pretty good on the course and had alot of turns to make to follow it. It was going well and good as I entered into Hawes front side, for my least exciting stetch knows as cardiac hill. I have not rode or hiked up it in a long time, if I wanted it bad enough my ss might just make it but I bailed half way up with lots of course left. With that behind me it was on to Secret, on the downhill I came around a corner hot and that a snake and those infamous rings and I had no time to avoid it so my front tire ran em over and by the time it got under my I cleanly ejected off the bike onto the side of the trail. The snake was as surprised as I was, I took a pic with my bike on top of him and we were on our way. Up and over Twisted Sister and mos the work was done. Still low on tire pressure but fuel in the tank but not feeling quick I flatted on Scorpion DH. I got a pinch flat that punctured the tire at the bead and tread. Tire plug failed so tube went in and holding air the last mile was over quick and thankfully. Then a fast ride up the pavement passing some road bikers. My time was pretty weak, didn't care much about it though. 33rd out of 48.

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