I was at hawes for Thursday and like normal I was mix matching my ride, I crossed the road and did some TRW and when I crossed back over I saw a big line of parked cars and a sign sayng Police training in progress. I realized shortly onto the dirt I was likely to come across this large group after seeing footprints no taking the ridge. Sure enough I came upon a large line up Police Cadets in training, I had a warm fuzzy feeling and felt the love I have for Law Enoforcement, I rolled by the group 30+ brave men and women, with a helicopter in tow. With all the mess in our world right now after the recent protests, I have nothing but love and respect for them and wished I could let everyone of them know how I support them. After passing them I was chased on and off by the helicopter, they were likely just following them but it felt like they were watching me too. I then went about finishing the ride.

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