Sunday, August 30, 2020
Final goodbye Thursday
The ride was fine but when I arrived home my Bowie was struggling. We did not expect him to make it thru the night, we wanted to do an in home euthanasia, but were forced to head for the vet. The family came and I mustered all the strength, courage and faith to walk thru that door to say our goodbye. It was horrifically tragic for me, i wanted to scream, I wanted to break thru a wall, I wanted to die. My brain was haywire in grief and arriving home was just impossible, I cried for hours, It's the most painful thing I have endured my entire lifetime, words can barely describe it as it just cut my heart. The last four days have been extremely challenging, battling tears, anger, frustration, sadness. I know it will change over time but for now it's painful, just so damn painful. I love your Bowie.
Last night I lost my best friend, currently with a heavy heart and tear soaked eyes I’m so grateful for my time with him. Bowie’s heart was failing him, his heart filled with his and our adoring love, could hold no more. He blessed our lives and those he met for 11 incredible years, he came to us an unforgettable companion, we traveled the country, he swam in the mighty Colorado, he held our wedding rings on our special day, he protected his new born baby Landon, he chewed sticks, bossed Bentley around, pooped on the carpet, barfed in the bathroom. I love you Bowie with all my heart, I will never come home the same without you there, I will never ever forget you, thank you Bowie for sharing all your love and time with us on this challenging mortal earth. We will meet again in our perfect bodies and it will be glorious.

Crushed Wednesday
My pup is getting no better, the meds are 3 days in, the vet called and said his bloodwork shows he is further along than he expected, I wasn't surprised. Bowie is visibly struggling more, I fear he will not make the week. He still greets, he still wags, he stil wants to play, he is completely limited by only his heart. The ride was fast and ok but my mind was elsewhere obviously.

Make it thru Tuesday
Grim Monday
I went out Mnday to hunt down some dirt as we entered yet another week of excessive heat. I had a hot ride but still good one. WhenI arrived home I knew my poor Bowie was unwell and he needed to get to the vet. I took him in expecting some anitbiotics but walked out with a horrific diagnosis for my Bowie. His heart was failing him, we learned of a heart murmur last year and his symptoms were baring down on him. I cried man, I cried like I have never cried before, he was to go home with some meds and we were to spend his coming days in absolute pamper with us. We had days, weeks, months left. I had to break the news to our fmaily where we wept the crushing feelin and helplessness for our dear Bowie.

Monday, August 24, 2020
Swimming without water
Breaking in new stompers
Feeling a little better emotionally this day I was off with my new five ten impact pros. Alot of people complain about Fiveten after they got bought by Adidas but I contiue to have fantastic experiences. I put about 3,000 miles on my last pair and plan to do the same. I have also been enjoying some new 100% brand jerseys. This ride was finally up and over in the heat, which has been driving me nuts ately. Good but hot relief in sight. This one hurt but accomplished.

I can't pedal this out
It was a blur
Tuesday was another emotional day for me, the shock of my pups heart was over and now sadness setting in. The first time ever on trail tears of my life, some elton john song came on my phone raidio and I lost it. I pedaled on and made a ride out of it still. The rest of the day was rough, but ok, I am glad my Bowie is not ready to leave me just yet.

Even 75% can break stuff
So Monday rolled around and after a good weekend of rest from Utah I was ready to get back to it. I was on the salsa and could feel a click after replaceing a pedal. I tightened the chain and went on my way only for it to still be there I had a pretty good feeling it was the quick link which it turned out to be, after a quick fix I was on my way pleased with my readiness. However I was absolutely soaked in sweat from being idle in the sun, absolutely soaked from 5 minutes. Annoyed but lots of riding left I finished it up nicely and ran for a shower and AC, I hate you summer. My Bowie is not feeling well, he has this cough and his breathing in irregular, I took him to the vet that day and he has congestive heart failure and has not too much longer with us, I took it very very hard.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
I am done with you summer
Back to AZ :(
While it was nice to back in our own home and not bouncing around hotel rooms and houses and meals. It was over quick when I went out for my morning ride. My kiddo is now back in school which is very weird but great so I now have the 8am ride time. It's not that bad with 100F starts but some clouds and cooler weather sure helps but no sign of that yet. The ride was funky,alot was built up in my head and I was thinking of the fastest way out of this valley, but I chugged on telling myself how blessed we are and it's not that bad.

Saturday, August 22, 2020
Corner Canyon disruption
Me and these have a long history over the last 12 years. I even use to ride just a mile from them. Corner Canyon trails have blown up and for good reason. So much that despite my 5am start most my downhills and uphills were completely ruined by MTB teams and random users. Seriously they sould not be rolling around in groups of 10 or 15 and how about we make Ghost Falls Dh only. I got kinda grumpy that morning but not enough to stand in my way of enjoyment. So long Utah it's been great!

Flying Doggy!
Flying dog has always been a cult favorite and before they had it so was Glenwild. So for my last hurrah up in Park City I took off early in the morning for it. The trail was a nice grade but still some work had to be done. It was a nice dark ride for awhile and nice temperatures too! Once I hit the Aspens it was bliss, very very savory. I kinda missed the preserve connector trail since I really liked that too but I went classic on this one. Once I topped out it was a long twisty ride down into the meadows, so so so good! A little more work to do in Glenwild area and then I kept adding in trails with my time left, I am going to miss you Park City!

Monday, August 17, 2020
Mid mountain loop
Unsure of how my legs were doing but I was bac pedaling along the Park City paths to use connecting to Armstrong. It was a chilly ride through the valley but as soon as I got onto dirt of Armstrong I was back warm. I like that trail, nice grade, tucked in the woods, still a long chug up the mountain. I hit Mid mountain and enjoyed some aspens and chunk and views, so many memories on that section. Time allowed me to to continue until Richochet for another fast descent back to the Canyons village, what a ride!

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