Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Hiline Bonus

I had a little over an hour extra so off the the hiline I went! With a later start there were a few more users but it was a blast!

Round Pine!

I made it back up to pine for my third week of being in the woods! This time I was going to ride around Pine on the Pine Canyon trail and strawberry trails. I started off earlier so I had to use my light, waking at 3am to drive up ther is harcore isn't it? I knew what to expect in the first few miles since I just did it June. I have done this loop clockwise before and it was good, I was expecting CCW to be better and it was. It was a wonderful moring and enjoyed every second of it. Pine Canyon is awesome, such an appropriate name for it. The trail to strawberry dries up and then cross the road for a fast rip on that side. I decided once I was out of trail not to head straight for the trailhead and instea dhopped on my shortcut to the AZT to ride some of it. That section is not very enjoyable but it's unique. Hit the car in a quick pace and had plenty of time to ride some Hiline!


I got word from Robbie his bike was done being built, a nasty vassago mooseknuckle! I invited myself on his ride and good thing I did, it has been years since our last ride and been looking forward to this day for awhile. We were set for the evening and rain and lightening would accompany us. It was an absolute blast, caught myself smiling most the ride in the beauty of the evening and joy with my homie. Hopefully more to come! I cleaned the two ravines which never done, guess I never tried hard though.

Lost n found

Was making my way down RMR and noticed my light was missing, uh oh, I was 75% down it already and was unsure to retrace my steps by going up or make the loop around for the search. I went with a terrible idea and wen tup RMR, it was beautiful but not alot of pedaling. I found no light but after asking passer bys it was on Alpe. Dang I wish I had looped around, I continued towards it and instead of going down it which is an annoying bad idea for directional users, I went down ridge and back up alpe and never saw it. So I ran down down alpe against the code but I was committed to finding it and low and behold 1/2 way down I spotted it after looking very hard. I was so stoked no one took it and I did not have to buy another one yay!

Regelar old ride

Not much to say here......caught the end of the blue moon.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Hiline Pine

After my Flagstaff trip I realized I need to make more effort/demanding my wife that getting out of this valley helps my mental game a bit. So with Saturday a good to go I drove up at 4am and arrived to a busy trailhead but once I got moving I saw only one or two people. I have ridden Hiline once before and was looking very forward to this nice ride. It was beautiful, the ground was slightly damp and some clouds over head, it was just as fun as last time. Found some bear poops, went over the bars in a rocky stall out section into some berry patches with some nasty thorns. The ride was easy and once I reached my turnaround point I did not have time to ride the trail back and would have to ride down to the control rd and take that back which was fine. The control road kidna sucks, it's slow going and I would much rather ride the trail back. I got back to the car before the 4 hour mark and felt fast most that ride. I got a few KOMS and was absolutely shocked, oddly enough another rider that morning took them all from me right after, the odds! But I really don't care, drove into town and got some fudge and was home by 12:30, not a bad deal.


I decided to take the big loop around on a Thursday, it was a struggle of ambition and desire.....