Monday, August 26, 2024

Flagstaff Joy!

Finally found some time to head to Flagstaff, my favorite place to ride! With a handful of new trails I was stoked. I arrived in a ncie drizzle and perfect trails. I pedeled on up shultz creek and the onto the new awesome uphill trail called broadside. Such a cozy ncie ride up to the top of full sail where I dropped into a twisty jumpy new Dh trail. Then back up broadisde to hit upper brookbank with was meh, but then onto Lunar tide which was awesome, then swell and back onto broadside. At the top yet again I dropped into sunset and onto down under which was a fricken blast! My favorite trail of the day actually, middle oldham was fantastic too! It felt so so good to be in the woods! Then a rough climb up on lower brookbank up to big bang which is so sick I love that trail. The skies began to darken and I was on borrowed time 30 miles and four hours into a solid ride I did not plan on ending, onwards to chiney and moto until some serious thnder and lightning ran me back to the car. I was bummed since I wanted more but instead of waiting hours for storm to clear I figured I would hit Sedona on the way home.

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