Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Hiline Pine

After my Flagstaff trip I realized I need to make more effort/demanding my wife that getting out of this valley helps my mental game a bit. So with Saturday a good to go I drove up at 4am and arrived to a busy trailhead but once I got moving I saw only one or two people. I have ridden Hiline once before and was looking very forward to this nice ride. It was beautiful, the ground was slightly damp and some clouds over head, it was just as fun as last time. Found some bear poops, went over the bars in a rocky stall out section into some berry patches with some nasty thorns. The ride was easy and once I reached my turnaround point I did not have time to ride the trail back and would have to ride down to the control rd and take that back which was fine. The control road kidna sucks, it's slow going and I would much rather ride the trail back. I got back to the car before the 4 hour mark and felt fast most that ride. I got a few KOMS and was absolutely shocked, oddly enough another rider that morning took them all from me right after, the odds! But I really don't care, drove into town and got some fudge and was home by 12:30, not a bad deal.

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