Wednesday, September 11, 2024


It was a 3am alarm for Saturday, had to be home by 10:30 but that wasn't stopping me from getting in some PINE! On a roll here for my 3rd week in a row, this time I did the Pine loop clean. Got started in the dark, it was a few minutes in and while climbing I fell when I stalled my front wheel on a rock with too muhc weight forward and down I went over the bars at a painfully slow speed. I hit my palms on the fall and felt and heard a pop and pain immediately wurged into that palm. Which oddly enough was still hurting from the incident there couple months ago. I was not sure I could ride and did I just ruin my entire mission in the first mile? Well luckily it wa slow enogh down that I was able to ride comfortably most the time so I rode on. Then my light put itself into low power mode which is not much more than a cell phone light, another light failing long before it should..... With light starting the next 10 minutes were struggle with lighting but morning light slowly came in by time it was time to go downhill. The rest of the ride was peachy, was overcast so the vegatation wasnt shining as brightly but man it was great!

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